Monday, September 15, 2014

Time Management

When you're a teen, there is so much going on. Soccer, dance, homework, etc. It can be hard to find a time to write.

The best way to overcome this is to separate a time for writing each day. During this time you do nothing but write. Schedule it around your soccer practice and study time. Adjust it to fit your schedule.

I might be able to write from 4:30-5:00 everyday, while someone else might not be able to write in that same amount of time. And that's okay. 

Maybe when you get home from school you start your homework  right away, and then you write for a half hour, and then you go back to finishing homework. It's whatever works for you. You may want to schedule 15 minute intervals when writing. This way, you can have fresh eyes for both your writing and that Social Studies essay due tomorrow.





A lot of people talk about writing, and read about writing, and think about writing, but never actually write. Don't fall into that trap! Schedule time for yourself! You deserve it.

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