Saturday, August 8, 2015

A Plot Change

A few minutes ago, I experienced something that I know many other writers have experienced.

My entire plot changed. I'm not talking a couple of characters and the beginning. I'm talking my characters entire motivation, the story's heart, the entire thing guiding my story.

And I loved it.

I started writing it as a way to take something away from my character and it evolved before my eyes into something that has affected my main character her entire life. It filled a few holes in my story and changed the way I connected with my character.

It breathed life into a story that was beginning to become boring and changed it into something that can draw readers in. Even though it might change again, these plot changes can be super helpful. They fix problems you couldn't quite figure out and can make writing fun again.

Has this happened to you before. If so, what changed?  How did it affect your character? Did it motivate you to keep writing?

I hope everyone is having a great weekend! Next week I will be posting a post about my agenda and how it has helped me as a writer.

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