Wednesday, January 14, 2015

MS Walk Boston

Recently, my oldest sister was diagnosed with MS, or multiple sclerosis. As a family, we are participating in the MS Walk in Boston in April. My sister is one of my best friends. We may fight, but I can always count on her. In my family, I am commonly referenced to as her "mini-me. I've even had teachers call me by her name do to our uncanny resemblance. Because my sister is very into in fitness and health, this walk is the perfect way to support her. Any help is appreciated. If you'd like to donate, I will post the link below.

This is a picture of us from a really long time ago...

What is multiple sclerosis?

About MS
Multiple sclerosis, an unpredictable, often disabling disease of the central nervous system, interrupts the flow of information within the brain, and between the brain and body. Symptoms range from numbness and tingling to blindness and paralysis. The progress, severity and specific symptoms of MS in any one person cannot yet be predicted, but advances in research and treatment are moving us closer to a world free of MS. Most people with MS are diagnosed between the ages of 20 and 50, with at least two to three times more women than men being diagnosed with the disease. MS affects more than 2.3 million worldwide. (source: National MS Society)

All the money raised goes to the National MS Society to provide resources for people with the disease. Here is the link if you would like to donate:

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